Sunday, November 13, 2005

Two nights in a row :)

Just to inform those who know about mine and b's sleeping situation.. basically he has been sleeping and I haven't lol Since I have been redecorating his bedroom I have had him sleeping in with me. What joy!! But I have introduced him into his new big boy's bed now and for the second night running he hasn't caused as much fuss as I expected him to and he has gone out like a light.

He did wake at four this morning and was a little weary that he was actually in his own, and not my bed, but I was stil so pleased that he is still going at it.. we'll see how well these next couple of weeks go.

I have to now also do a behavioural diary of a fornights' happening bewteen myself and the little love so the health visitor and I can discuss where it is that things may be a little frustrating for him. Hopefully aleviating his shittynesss.

Hehe He has also bought me home FINALLY a hand made something!!!! I have waited for almost three months for him to make me something at school and finally it is here lol I will try and find out how to get pictures up again and post one of it :)

So things ARE finally looking up again, I am not in the depths of dispair as I have been and can now look forward to havign tie for myself, eithe ron my own or with others that I can relax again and finally start being me in my mind and body too!! So look out, there maybe some good stories to shre in the next month or so :)

Think that'll be it for tonight as the antibiotics I am on really do wipe me out.. I am slowly getting better but what I had really knocked the stuffing out of me. Now the meds make me drowsy yet I cannot sleep.. lol good timing as I may have to be up at four again lol

Sweet dreams people. xx


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