Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Moment when

I bite your skin

and grab your balls

I see the look in your eyes.

Your face as it reddens

With the silky tie I have wrapped round your neck

And the clucking of your throat as you try and breath..

It takes my breath away seeing your eyes flicker

And the moment when you're just about to lose consciousness

I let go and allow you to breath

Making your body go into slight spasm

I take your length right up inside

And then use you for my own sexual fill

Grabbing again at the tie

Watching your face as you start to fly..

We both climax with an ecstacy of fulfilment

And I fall into your arms I realise

This is the moment when

I've fallen asleep on your chest

And you're still holding me close

I look back into your eyes,

I see such contentment and such love from you

And it is the moment when

I know you're mine.



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