Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I write a lot when I either have noone about to bore to death or when I have itchy fingers. Thankfully it is the latter this time ;-)

I have known my shopping bitch now for a year or so, well a year last November which pretty much makes him one of my longest serving people. He has decorated my person with gifts throughout our time together and today I recieved through the post two more pairs of wonderful shoes. One pair of 3inch strappy shoes and one pair of thigh high, metal effect heeled, black leather look boots. Both very yummy, unfortunately the boots were a size it seemed too small. That is one of the big problems when ordering things online.

I am still waiting on the other pair he ordered for me, this rate I shall have to build an entire wardrobe for shoes ;-) Although I'm sure I won't get many complaints about that :-D

Last nights' munch was a strange old affair. Not many people showed really in comparison to other months but we managed to at least get to talk to more people and have proper conversations. :-)

And Petepan surpassed himself again.. god I love that man for his creative talents. :-D ANd am dead jealous of his Y fronts hahaha

I was just tired last night, really tired. Have been for a few days.. again. So wasn't actually feeling like wanting to go and be sociable, but I know if I didn't all I would do is sit behind this screen and tap tap tap away doing meanial tasks which perhaps wouldn't actually be a bad thing.

But it is good to get out the house especially as I've been housebound with an ill child for four days. Poor little thing, he cannot help being ill but it does mean I get less sleep than normal. Thankfully he is certainly giving me signs that he will be able to go to school tomorrow :-D Always a good sign. I don't like it when he is ill. ANd I know we only have to ride it out. But I also recognise the times when I need my ME time. And time I have to get myself out the house and let my hair down, which is why I went last night.

Oh and I bought a few things yesterday on ebay... .found some bargains which I'm chuffed with and so too will my bunnies when it comes through :-) ANd the fish.. and a little something else which will remain a mystery.

I promise to write more porn soon. :-D


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