Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fours years

It's a scary thought isn't it?

Where were YOU four years ago? What were YOU doing?

I know that this month, four years ago I was readying myself to go to my first ever munch.

Tonight marks the Fourth March, fourth Munch, fourth Birthday of me actually being in the scene. and boy what an adventure it has been. To recount everything I have experienced all the wonderful people I have met along my journey alongside the not so nice ones ;-) Has really been the making of me.

Things CAN only get better. I've gone through some very BIG changes in my personal life. I have made an abundance of aquaintances and some terrific friends.

And I've also gone through a LOT of you tubing ;-)

Four years.

Four years ago I didn't know where I fitted in life. Four years ago I was a single mum going out of her mind not knowing what the world held for me. Not really understanding a dynamic in which I'd found myself in.. the first boy I'd encountered. It sounds as though I totally lost direction. It wasn't that.. it was more to do with me just not finding a 'home' a safe place where there were actually people like me.

SO anyhow I was already in touch with people from EABDSM, and one in particular was a beautiful lady. Pandora SO we agreed to meet at the Cambridge Munch. It was nice to have someone there I could at least recognise as I know how bad I am with remembering names.

Anyhow I managed to secure a lift with a very kindly gentleman and went along to the Rose and Crown Pub. Cambridge.

Perhaps I went in a little tentatively but not exactly nervous. I was excited. Excited that I wanted to explore and find my way about.

I stepped into the room and finally felt at home. People were very similar to me. Had the same thoughts, shared the same ideas openly, mostly if I'd have talked to my friends (vanilla ones) about these same subject they tended to roll their eyes and sighed. They still do to be fair ;-)

The numbers at the Munch weren't that big really but was nice enough to meet and chat with a few people which I now call friends. Some I have known all the way throughout my journey, some have shared experiences with.

I started to help with the Munch in the October of that year and finally started to organise it on a monthly basis shortly after that. I have never looked back. I have had times where I haven't been sure if I am doing the right thing. Or have taken on projects which, at the time have seemed totally undooable but have ALL worked out very well in the end.

SO in four years Cambridge is now on the 'scene' in a big way. Here in Cambridge we have two clubs running, two munches and numerous outings to events. Funny isn't it that all that could come about in just four small years. Not all down to me.. I wouldn't be that anal in suggesting it was all my own doing. But I like to feel proud enough to take some of the credit for pushing, and nagging people into doing things and organising events ;-)

I now have one very permanent member of 'staff' Petepan and various other poor souls who get dragged into helping me make the scene as fabulous as it is. Special thanks go to Captain Lockheed, Littleboots and everyone else who has helped me ensure CK events have gone swimmingly both in the limelight and in the background. THANK YOU.

Basically I'm just feeling rather happy today. Happy with what I have, Thankful of the friends I have made. Greatful of all the experiences. Most of all I know I am home.

That is down to everyone I have ever encountered. Thank you, thank you all.


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